I could post about a lot of things right now. Going with DH for semen analysis, the ongoing saga of my rubella shot (which thankfully I don't have to get) or what we did for valentines. But the truth is I am tired and I just want to fastfoward to the 28th to know what is going to happen. Will I get an answer?? Is anything really definitive in medicine? What if they already know and I am just waiting...waiting...waiting...
It's officially been three years sense we started trying (granted we did take a year off in all that). Some of my friends have had 2 kids in that time.
But I am trying to find joy in my journey. I know that there will be children in this family. I don't know how, but I know that they will come. They will come. So for now I am doing everything that I might not be able to do if/when I get pregnant. Like working out, and cooking lots of yummy food (the smell of food makes me nauseous when I am pregnant), cleaning my house and taking time for art work. I also want to go to hot yoga and go rock climbing.
I am trying to find something to celebrate each day. Today I am celebrating the fact that I have amazing friends and a job that I love.
My name is Emily and this is my journey in Motherhood.
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